Pssst. Want us to customize your theme for half the price?
Good news, guys! I’ve just launched my Services page, which includes a new way to work with me! Looking back at the custom work I’ve done recently, the most common requests, and the amount of time I spent on each project, I’ve compiled a list of “à la carte” tasks that you can buy; for very little, I might add! 🙂
February is getting busy, so get in touch if you want to have some work done on your site. In the mean time, I’m writing up some info on the requests I’ve heard from you guys and continuing work on a premium pre-made theme for your enjoyment!
P.S. Vegas totally isn’t my scene, guys. On the up side, I’ve recently been to London, Paris, Rome, & Venice so with the London Eye (or whatever the Vega equivalent is called), Eiffel Tower Experience, Caesar’s Palace, and Venetian, I’m having a good laugh and wondering why I bothered going to the real places. 😉
pssst.. Check out our sister brands!
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