Level: Charming

Creator Charming is our middle tier of theme customizations. Our bread & butter. Most of our clients opt for a charming theme customization as they already have a fantastic site. Let’s improve the back end of your site from a tech perspective using Creator Theme.

Are YOU a charming blogger?

You want your site built with new functionality: cool ideas you’ve noticed on other sites that you’d like on your site!

You have loads of content, so you’ll need custom blocks. It’s not just about styling for you: you’re interested in growing your brand.

Charming Theme Examples

Benefits of our Charming Customizations

  • Creator Theme’s 20 custom blocks… plus even more stylized blocks. We offer up to 2 variations of our 20 existing custom blocks styled to match your brand & offerings… and another 5 blocks built just for you.
  • Super stylized, detailed posts combining your custom blocks into the ultimate reader’s delight.
  • 10 page templates built just for your brand.

Compare Pricing

  • Charming customizations start at $18k for development, customizations & implementation. You’ll receive development with greater attention to detail, a slightly longer timeline, and an additional client review process to ensure your site is pixel-perfect before your launch date!

Getting Started

  • We require a $4k deposit in order to reserve your development start date.
  • We have limited availability, as we value maintaining our small but mighty team of experienced developers who are well-versed in the blogging niche.
  • To discuss development with Once Coupled, we’ll schedule a meeting to determine that your site’s specific functionality (and goals) are a good fit after you’ve reviewed our proposal.

Theme Support

  • During the development process and in the week leading up to launch, we walk you through your new theme to ensure that you understand how to use it moving forward.
    • It’s built with Gutenberg blocks throughout, so if you’re familiar with blocks this will be really straightforward for you.
  • We use our own child theme for each customization tier- as well as our base Creator Theme users.
    • You can check out our knowledgebase, which shares information about how to edit and optimize each aspect of Creator Theme on your own, independently.
  • Want a more hands-on approach? We’ve maintained a retainer program for Once Coupled custom theme clients for nearly a decade, and it’s still going strong. When you invest in theme customizations with Once Coupled, our developers are only an email (or Marker.io task) away.
  • We value the longstanding relationships we’ve created in our decade of working in the food blogging niche.

Let’s Do This

  • When investing in theme customizations with Once Coupled, you’re investing in a longstanding technical partner who’s willing and able to help your blog grow for years to come.
  • Are you ready to review our custom theme proposal and discuss scheduling theme customizations with us?

Is a custom theme outside of your budget?

Preach. Check out our sister brands!