Pssst. Want us to customize your theme for half the price?
If you’re looking to add email support for your readers, Genesis eNews Extended is one of the easiest ways to allow subscriptions.
Why use Genesis eNews Extended?
It’s quick to set up and can look beautiful right out of the box. If you’re on a premium theme for Genesis, chances are you have some built in styles for this plugin! Win-win. Branded newsletter signups are a dream, but in the mean time, this plugin will make sure your signup looks professional!
Setting up with MailChimp
There’s a great photo tutorial for setting up Genesis eNews Extended with MailChimp, beginning from creating a new account to creating a form to setting up the widget.
Tips for using with Mad Mimi
If you want to use this plugin with Mad Mimi (or any other subscription service) you’ll want to scroll down to the “Get the code snippet” section and follow the same principles. (Use the code to grab the form action link as well as the names of the email & name fields.)
Adding below every post
Since this plugin creates a widget, to use it we’ll need a widget area. That is, in order to add our sign-up form below every post, we need to add a widget area that appears below every post.
Taking it further
By default, MailChimp forms don’t have any hidden fields that you need to worry about. On the other hand, if you want to create interest groups for your lists that your readers can subscribe to, this can be done using the hidden field section. And we’ll be tackling this in detail next week!
Leave a comment about Genesis eNews or newsletter service questions you have and I’ll lend you a hand!
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