A viral campaign. It’s what every blogger and every blog sponsor wants. But how can you improve the chances of your sponsored posts going viral? We’ve got a few ideas.
Turn tradition on its head
We’re all looking for something different – something unique – something exciting – inspiring – brilliant! Naturally, if you can find a new spin to an old topic, you stand a better chance of going viral.
When a sponsor approaches you about a post, try looking at it from a new angle. Imagine, for example, a sponsor who sends a pitch for a sponsored post on meatloaf. Can you get any more boring than meatloaf?
The great thing about a boring subject is that there’s nowhere to go but up in terms of interest, so take that proposal and turn it on its head. How about a Mexican meatloaf or meatloaf cupcakes? Sound crazy? Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.
Recipes like these are regularly selected to be featured in link-sharing posts from major publishers like HuffPost, Real Simple, and Today. If you want your sponsored post to get in front of a million eyes, make it one in a million!
Pack it with pinnable pictures
There’s one thing that all viral campaigns have in common: they’re visual. Even posts that are text-only are formatted for maximum visual effect with interesting fonts and vibrant colors.
Include high-resolution, mouth-watering images formatted to be easily shared on visual social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. Be sure to include the name of your recipe and your blog somewhere on those posts to bring social media users back to your site.
Also, it’s worth noting that people tend to engage more with photos that contain a person or animal. It triggers a more emotional response than a plate of food alone ever could. If you happen to have an adorable kid, why not capture a photo of them ogling that beautiful cake with desire in their eyes? It’s catching.
Share, share, share
The more you share a post, the farther its reach will extend. Sure, that’s an obvious statement, but people are still often reluctant to over-share. While that’s a legitimate concern (and you certainly shouldn’t spam your friends and followers with any post), it’s okay to share a post more than once and to ask others to share on your behalf as well.
Statistically, one post has just as good a chance as going viral as another. Getting it off to a good start with intentional sharing makes it more probable that your post will be the one that finds its way into the spotlight.
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