Do we need to have noscript support for lazy loaded images?

To enable lazy loading on some images, we have to sacrifice what’s known as <noscript> support. This typically impacts a very small group of users – but the impact is noticeable.

Which images are affected?

Most lazy load plugins work out-of-the box with in-content images. Thumbnails used by your theme or plugins (added by wp_get_attachment_image) need custom code to enable lazy load. These are the only images that will not have <noscript> support.

What happens, and why:

  • With lazy loading, we’re replacing the full-size image with a teeny, tiny, 1-px image. That loads super quickly! Then, when a user is close to viewing an image, we load it. This significantly improves initial load times.
  • However, if the user doesn’t have JavaScript enabled, we never load the image… they are stuck with the teeny, tiny, 1-px image.

Why would users disable JavaScript & should we care?

  • Some users do this for a more secure browsing experience.
  • Ideally, of course, we would have a website that at least works for everyone, even if it’s not enjoyable. But…
  • It would be easier not to. These users are probably a tiny, or non-existent, portion of your audience. And, honestly, they’re not making you any money because they aren’t seeing your ads. By lazy loading more images, you can provide a faster experience to the majority of your users.
  • Ultimately, of course, this is your business and you need to make these decisions for yourself.