Meet Lauren

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Lauren Gray is a big-hearted, yet logic-driven, “millennial” with grand ideas. She believes in doing everything with passion and transparency, which mostly means she sends really long emails riddled with exclamation marks. She’s worked with literally hundreds of bloggers and small businesses on a variety of goals: from hassle-free management to user-friendly experience to search-optimized code. Basically, she’s a web guru with a huge range of experience!

Lauren founded Once Coupled in 2014 because she didn’t want to get a “real job.” (Don’t tell her she doesn’t have a “real job” though, or she’ll have a mental breakdown. “Really?! ?”) Working with like-minded entrepreneurs, having “me time,” and empowering others to do the same are what gets her up in the morning.

When she’s not making your site faster and easier for you to manage, Lauren enjoys crime TV, mojitos, and long walks on the beach (with her dog).

Where to find lauren