Unsure how to share a particular login? See below for references.
Shared Access
The most secure way to share access to your services is to invite others to their own administrator account. This keeps your password private and gives you the ability to reject my access at any time. Many services provide the ability to do this, including those listed below.
Users Add New Screen (Please make sure the email address is “hello@oncecoupled.com” and the role is set to “administrator.”)
Add an Author (Once the invitation is accepted, you’ll have to go back to the page and increase permissions to “admin.”)
Invite a Contributor (Permission level should be set to “administrator.”)
Manage User Levels in Your Account
Google Analytics
Google Search Console
Managing users, owners, and permissions (Make sure you’re sharing, at least, your main property. You should have 4 properties set up: http://domain.com, http://www.domain.com, https://domain.com, https://www.domain.com.)
If you cannot share access, sharing your login is the next best thing. Here’s how to find them:
FTP access varies from host to host. Below are instructions from some common ones. Remember: we can create an FTP login if we have host or cPanel support.
Share access: Flywheel | WP Engine | GoDaddy
Inform support: Orange Geek | TechSurgeons
Prefer host login (so we can clear the cache): WPopt | SiteGround | BlueHost
*if your site uses CloudFlare, we’ll also need this login to clear their layer of cache
Create an FTP account in cPanel: InMotion | A Small Orange | HostGator
*be sure the ‘path’ is just “/public_html” and the username is “oncecoupled”
Why do you need FTP access?
FTP is considered one of the necessary components that we must have before we begin any project. In a crisis, this login gives us a reasonable amount of access to troubleshoot your site. While less likely to be needed during minor changes, we treat all projects – big or small – as equally important. Therefore, we require FTP access before starting a project. You and your site’s health are important to us!
Having trouble? You can always share host or cPanel access, instead, and we will create the FTP account ourselves. If you’re using a host that doesn’t support user management, just let us know if you’d like us to inform you when that account has been created so you can change your host/cPanel password. We promise we’re the good guys! 🙂
Only FTP, cPanel, or host access should be needed.
In many cases, your cPanel and host logins will be the same, or connect. If that’s not the case, you’ll have to send a separate cPanel login, which may have been emailed to you or may have to be re-obtained from your host. If you’re on a managed WordPress host, you may not have a cPanel at all.
Other Hosts
Only FTP, cPanel, or host access should be needed.
When you purchase a service with a hosting provider, they typically email your login and server details to you. Alternatively, you can attempt to login to the host and use their “forgot password” link to reset your password. Check with your host to see if they have multi-user options for sharing account access securely.
Service-Specific Information
Some hosts work a little differently than others. If you’re using any of the following, please read their notes. 🙂
Provide cPanel login instead of your host login if you don’t know your FTP credentials.
Using CloudFlare? We’ll need access to this to clear your cache!